Harvest season is around the corner. An important time in the farming calendar, as crops are harvested and all the hard work you have put it pays off.
But at the end of the day, the difference between success and failure comes down to the robustness and readiness of your most crucial asset – your machinery. Pressure’s on, but it doesn’t have to be. SKF, with its crop-cycle-spanning portfolio of rotating solutions, is at your side – all the way.
When it comes to farming, Bernd Albert has been there and done it all before. He understands that every farm is unique, but that equipment faces similarly harsh conditions during harvest. That means long periods of inactivity followed by long intense work, not to mention labor shortages and market prices.
On top of that, there are the environmental and operational challenges: mud, dust, debris, heavy loads, high temperatures, corrosive chemicals. Bernd knows all this too well and contributes his best practices and know-how into the development and provision of agricultural solutions that aim to keep maintenance down and help farmers do more with less.
But don’t take our word for it. Watch the video and let Bernd Albert tell you all about SKF Agventure and how it is helping farmers and OEMs to meet their productivity goals!
Bernd and SKF have established what they call the Agventure community. Here, we’ll share some of the most informative content for agricultural professionals.
Join our network of like-minded people and you’ll receive an Agventure content package for each agri season throughout the year - right to your inbox.
Your SKF Agventure bundle for Harvest includes:
Tried and tested solutions: SKF agriculture solutions undergo strict testing practices and are the go-to choice for many leading agri OEMs.
Solid, hands-on support: SKF is represented in more than 130 countries and has around 17,000 distributor locations worldwide.
World-class quality and robustness: Products contribute to optimal and reliable machine and equipment performance.
Application-specific products: Many of SKF’s agricultural solutions are specially developed to handle aggressive agricultural conditions.
Our dedicated team of agriculture experts around the world are always on hand to answer your questions. Simply click below to contact an SKF representative.